Tooth Decay, The #1 Childhood Disease

The American diet is loaded with sugar and carbohydrates. These carbohydrates also turn into sugar during the digestion process. This can be detrimental to oral health, especially in children. However, sugar isn’t the only thing responsible for this microscopic war on our children’s teeth. In fact, tooth decay has become the number one childhood disease in America, closely followed by the common cold. There are many elements to the epidemic, most of which can be treated or avoided to prevent tooth decay.


Limiting Sugar Is a Great First Step in Preventing Tooth Decay!

While sugar isn’t the only problem, it can be a great place to start to make the quickest impact. Knowing which foods to avoid can make a huge difference. Bacteria in our mouths feed on sugar, which in turn creates acid that over time erodes your teeth. This is the basic process that causes tooth decay. For most kids, sodas and candies are the number one source of their sugar intake. Limiting the amount of sugar your child consumes can help you win the fight of preventing tooth decay. This lowers the amount of “food” the bacteria has to feed on, which will ultimately lower the chances of your child developing tooth decay. While diet alone will not prevent cavities, it is a good place to start. We enjoy sharing the knowledge we know about the healthiest foods and kid-friendly recipes for home or even at school!


Brushing and Flossing Are Vital To Your Child’s Oral Health!

There is no substitute for brushing your teeth twice per day and flossing daily. These are both vital to your child’s oral health, as well as their overall health. Studies have found that periodontal disease correlates with heart disease, diabetes, strokes, and even Alzheimer’s disease. This connection is called the oral systemic link. The best way to prevent periodontal disease is through good lifelong oral health. The best time to instill the importance of oral hygiene is at a young age. Developing a consistent habit of brushing and flossing with your children can lead to good lifelong oral health.  We recommended starting age-appropriate oral hygiene from the eruption of your baby’s first tooth. However, it is never too late to take your child’s oral health a little more seriously!


Pediatric Dental Visits Do More Than Just Prevent Cavities!

Did you know that pediatric dentists spend an additional two years specializing in pediatrics than general dentists do? We recommend that our patients come in for a visit about every six months. This allows Dr. Casey and her staff to get to know each child, as well as their oral health and overall health history. This gives the Cowabunga Kids staff the ability to make the best dental decisions for each individual patient. In fact, it is estimated that every dollar spent on preventative dentistry will save you five to ten dollars in dental treatment in the future. This is news that every family loves to hear. The goal of dental visits is to clean and prevent cavities, but it is also vital for identifying any issues with your child’s oral health. The sooner these are identified, the easier and less invasive the treatment.

We believe that every child deserves great lifelong oral health. Preventative dentistry starts at home, both with great hygiene habits and good nutrition. Tooth decay has become the number one childhood disease. Don’t let your children become part of the tooth decay epidemic! For more information on tooth decay and how you can prevent it, please feel free to contact us.

0 Responses

  1. Alex
    This blows my mind!
  2. Katie B
    The #1?! That's insane!

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